Reference Designs

What are they?

In no particular order they are:

  • open source
  • MCUs, sensors, and other components
  • designed using KiCAD
  • made for modularity
  • datasheet reference design turned into an actual board that is guaranteed to work
  • provided with a detailed BOM of in-stock, current components
  • Internet of Things geared design choices
  • documentation is primarily contained in the schematic(s)

How is it different from regular reference designs?

Sometimes datasheets will give you:

  • minimal information
  • little or no information about external components
  • lacking information on layout
  • schematics that are closer to block diagrams
  • external components no longer in production or out-of-stock
  • no files, symbols or footprints provided or available

And most importantly, enough information is provided to fully replicate the board and easily integrate it into your own. If you’re not interested in designing your own, we provide carrier boards that can hold many combinations of rd boards.

What if I don’t really care about the source files?

You can use them or not.

There is a benefit though, and that is that the source files are (hopefully) living documents. Other people, maybe more qualified, will look at them and are encouraged to suggest changes. That will benefit everyone.

What does designed with IoT in mind mean?

  • small size if possible
  • low power
  • battery operated