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Industrial pH Probe

  • Industrial pH probe
  • Closeup of probe
  • BNC connector


Pin terminals

🪢 Wire

3 meters

↔️ Range

0 - 14 pH

⏲️ Response Time

90% ~7 s

📏 Dimensions

30x133 mm

🧱 Materials

Nylon with 3/4" NPT threads


black-capped wire Mod-pH PROBE_2 pin
yellow-capped wire Mod-pH PROBE_1 pin

Other stuff you'll need

This is just the probe. You could...

Extra information

  • double junction
  • non-refillable
  • Zero Point is 7.0 ±0.25 pH at 25 °C
  • Impedance is 200MΩ @ 25 °C
  • Alkaline Error is less than 15 mV @ 25 °C
